Dog health advice
Dogs can be trusted companions, fun friends and great company. Owning a dog is a big responsibility, but put in the time to train and really get to know your four-legged friend, and you will enjoy one of the most rewarding relationships of your life. We can supply the hints, tips, advice and healthcare if you supply the infinite quantities of love and affection!
Lungworm And Your Dog
Lungworm is a deadly parasite, which lives in slugs and snails. Keeping your dog protected against lungworm is a key part of keeping them happy and healthy.
Looking After Your Dog's Eyes
Learn how to check your dog's eyes and look out for symptoms such as redness, cloudiness, irritation, scratches, weeping or tear-stained fur.
Winter Health Advice
Click through to check out our 'Winter Watch Outs' handy tips to help you make sure your pet is happy and healthy during the chilly winter months.
Car Sickness In Dogs
Learn how travel sickness can affect dogs as well as humans, and what steps you can take if your pet gets sick or stressed when travelling in the car.
Skin Allergies In Pets
Learn about the signs and treatments available for pet's skin allergies, where the skin can't defend itself against allergens, by following our top tips.
Dog Body Language
The most confusing part of understanding your dog's body language is how much it differs from our own. Find out how to understand your dog with Companion Care.
Cognitive Dysfunction In Dogs
Did you know dogs can develop dementia too? Over a quarter of 11-12 year old dogs might be showing signs of doggy dementia.
Whipworms And Your Dog
Anecdotally, older dogs are more at risk of having a whipworm burden than younger dogs. Whipworms are blood sucking intestinal worms.
Moving House With Your Pet
Moving home is a stressful time for everyone, but it can be easy to forget how big an impact moving house can have on your pet.
Pet Diabetes
Learn more about pet diabetes from what signs should you look out for, to how to treat a pet that has been diagnosed with diabetes.