cat looking anxious inside box

Cats And Fireworks

Fun for you... Scary for cats

While they may not be as vocal as their canine counterparts, cats can still find fireworks scary and stressful.

Understanding your cat’s needs over the festive season can help you keep their anxiety to a minimum for happier holidays for the whole family.

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More about fireworks and your cat

  • Make them identifiable. Cats will hide or run from scary sounds, so making sure your cat is identifiable if they get lost is critical. A microchip is the best way, but an engraved tag on a safe release collar is a great back up.
  • Close all the doors. Think about how you will cat-proof your home. This includes making sure everyone in the house knows not to let your cat out, but also includes blocking off any dangerous areas your cat may squeeze into if they are scared. Your cat should still have free access to all safe areas though, so they don't feel trapped.
  • Make a den. If your cat has a favourite hidey-hole make sure it is accessible and has everything they need for a comfortable stay. If they don't you could create a den by lining a box or covered cat bed with blankets. Putting it up high will make it more appealing.
  • Bribery is totally fine! Get a favourite treat or a new toy in to distract your cat.
  • Use a pheromone product, to help provide reassurance to your cat – start this before bonfire night

Read more about microchipping your cat

  • Keep your cat inside on nights where there are likely to be fireworks. This reduces the risk of them being outside and scared, being scared isn't pleasant for your cat, and also increases the risk of them getting lost.
  • Pull the curtains to block out the sounds and flashes of light.
  • Turn up the sounds. Put the TV or the radio on at a moderate volume to block out the sounds of the fireworks.
  • Stay calm. Your cat will pick up on your mood. While it's fine to be reassuring if they are scared try and act like you normally would. This will help show your cat that there is no cause for anxiety.
  • Continue the use of a pheromone product. We recommend starting this at least a week before you anticipate fireworks.
If your cat gets very upset by fireworks speak to a vet or behaviourist ahead of time. Noise phobias can take a long time to address so it’s important to start this process well in advance of bonfire night.