Terms and conditions for all Complete Care and Flea and Worm Health Plans

1. Introduction

Welcome to Your Complete Care Health Plan. This document (the “Terms”) together with the Membership Application Form constitute the entire agreement, understanding and contract between you and Your Practice in relation to the provision of the Complete Care Health Plan to Your Pet (the “Agreement”). 

In the event of any conflict or ambiguity between these Terms or the Membership Application Form, these Terms shall prevail. 

Key points about your plan

By registering for and purchasing a Complete Care Health Plan and by verbally confirming your acceptance of the Terms and the contents of the Membership Application Form you accept the Terms and you confirm that: 

 a) You are over 18 years of age;

 b) You understand that a Complete Care Health Plan is a preventative health care plan and not a substitute for insurance;

 c) A Complete Care Health Plan only entitles you to the treatments and medicines recommended by Your Practice and as set out in these Terms and not to any other or additional products or services;

 d) You understand that the Complete Care Health Plan lasts for a minimum term of 6 months if the Start Date of Your Plan is before 29 August 2024 or 12 months if the Start Date of Your Plan is on or after 29 August 2024 (the “Minimum Term”) and that a charge (as set out below) will apply for cancellation during the Minimum Term (“Early Cancellation Charge”). The Early Cancellation Charge is:

 i. £40 if the Start Date of Your Plan is before 29 August 2024; or

 £60 if the Start Date of Your Plan is on or after 29 August 2024.

 e) The Early Cancellation Charge is due and payable by You immediately upon cancellation.

 f) You understand, that by providing your email address and mobile telephone number within your Membership Application Form you consent to receiving email and SMS correspondence relating to Your Plan and Your Pet, including specific email only Benefits and discretionary offers. Service reminders will also be emailed and sent by SMS. You understand that if you withdraw email consent you will not be able to receive the full Benefits available to you under the Plan as some of the Benefits are email only.

 g) If you opt to pay for Your Plan by instalments, you will make a First Payment in Your Practice and then pay a monthly amount at the amounts set out in Membership Application Form. If you opt to pay for Your Plan by direct debit (“Direct Debit”), the monthly amount payable will be set out in writing to you by Animal Healthcare Company Limited (“AHC”). Any reference to monthly payments in these Terms shall be deemed to include all applicable methods of monthly payment, including Direct Debit. h) You understand that AHC administers all Direct Debit payments on behalf of the Practice;

 i) If you opt to pay for Your Complete Care Health Plan in one up-front payment, your payment will consist of the Joining Fee and the amount set out in your Membership Application Form in respect of Your Plan.

2. Definitions

2.1. In these Terms, unless the context otherwise requires, the following words have the following meanings: 

 “AHC” means the Animal Healthcare Company Limited (company number 03302348) whose registered address is The Animal Healthcare Company Limited, The Quorum, Bond Street, Bristol, BS1 3AE.  AHC administers Direct Debit payments on behalf of Your Practice. For the avoidance of doubt, AHC is a third-party Direct Debit administration provider and is not affiliated with Your Practice, Vets4Pets or Companion Care. AHC may require you to agree to separate terms and conditions in respect of services that AHC provides to you directly. 

  “Benefits” means the preventative healthcare, services and products and/or specialist products which may be available under Your Plan to Your Pet as detailed and defined in paragraph 3.3 below. 

 “Collection Date” means the date for collection of Your monthly Direct Debit payment as chosen by you on Your Membership Application Form. 

 “Complete Care” means the preventative health care plan designed for the needs of cats and dogs and rabbits. 

 “Complete Care Junior” means the preventative health care plan designed for the needs of puppies and kittens.    

 “Complete Care Health Plan” means the range of preventative health care plans offered by Your Practice including, but not limited to, Compete Care Junior, Complete Care, Complete Care Senior, Complete Care Plus and Flea and Worm Pack.  

 “Complete Care Senior” means the preventative health care plan designed for the needs of older pets. This plan ceased to be available for new registrations after 28th June 2023 and existing plans will continue pursuant to these Terms. 

 “Complete Care Plus” means the preventative health care plan designed for the most comprehensive needs of dogs and cats. 

 “First Payment” means the first payment taken from you at Your Practice at the time of signing up to Your Plan if opting to pay monthly.   

 “Flea and Worm Pack” means the Health Plan providing flea and worm protection only year-round. 

 “Joining Fee” means the £30 fee payable by You at the time of signing up to Your Plan. The Joining Fee is applicable to all Complete Care Health Plans with a Start Date on or after 29 August 2024.  

 “Membership Application Form” means the application process completed on your behalf by Your Practice in order to sign up to Your selected Complete Care Health Plan. 

 “Minimum Term” means the period of 6 months if the Start Date of Your Plan is before 29 August 2024.If the Start Date of Your Plan is on or after 29 August 2024, the applicable minimum term shall be 12 months for Complete Care and Complete Care Plus plans and 14 months for Complete Care Junior plans. The minimum term commences on the Start Date of Your Plan. 

  “Party”, Parties” means you and Your Practice. 

 “Payment Account” means the bank account you have nominated to make Direct Debit payments from. 

  “Personal Details” means Your full name, mobile number, address, email address and bank details (for Direct Debit clients). 

 “Start Date” means the date the First Payment is received from you by Your Practice if you pay by Direct Debit, or the date the Joining Fee and full sum is paid for Your Plan if you make a one-off payment. 

  “Your Pet” and “Pet” means the pet you registered with the Practice and which is named on Your Membership Application Form to receive Your Plan. 

  “Your Plan” means the Complete Care Health Plan you have selected for Your Pet (as set out in Your Membership Application Form) which you pay for either monthly or as a one-off payment. 

 “Your Practice”, “we”, “us”, “our” means the Vets4Pets or Companion Care veterinary practice where you are registered for Your Plan as detailed on the Membership Application Form. 

 “Reminders” means any communication (whether by phone, email, letter, or text message) from Your Practice reminding you of any appointment or treatment due. 

 “Terms” means the terms and conditions contained within this document. 

 “Working Days” means Monday to Friday between 9.00am and 5.00pm. 

 “you”, “Your” means the client who is named as the registered owner of the Pet and who has completed the Membership Application and agreed to the Terms. 

 3. Your benefits

3.1. The Benefits available to Your Pet in Your Plan will vary depending on whether Your Pet is a dog, cat or rabbit and which Complete Care Health Plan you have signed up to (as detailed in Your Membership Application Form). 

 3.2. Each Complete Care Health Plan entitles You to receive: 

 3.2.1. Essential preventative healthcare treatments and relevant veterinary support relevant to Your Plan; and 

 3.2.2. A tailored set of clinical and lifestyle additional benefits. 

 3.3. A summary of the Benefits available under each Complete Care Health Plan (excluding the Complete Care Senior Plan) is set out here vets4pets.com/pet-health-plans and is subject to the Plan Summary document. A summary of the Benefits available under the Complete Care Senior Plan is set out at Schedule 2. 

 3.4. You are only entitled to receive the Benefits detailed and as prescribed by Your Practice. If you ask for, or Your Pet needs a service or treatment that is not covered by Your Practice under Your Plan you will need to pay for this service or product separately.  

3.5. As set out further in paragraph 10 below, Your Plan only entitles Your Pet to receive Benefits at Your Practice. Your Plan is not transferable to another pet or to another client not named on the Membership Application Form and there is no automatic right to transfer Your Plan to a different practice. 

3.6. If Your Pet is sensitive or allergic to the products prescribed under Your Plan then Your Practice may recommend that alternative products are used. These substitute products may incur additional charges. Please discuss Your Pet’s clinical requirements with Your Practice. 

 4. Term

4.1. Your Plan will begin on the Start Date and will last for the Minimum Term. 

4.2. If you pay for Your Plan in monthly instalments, following the end of the Minimum Term, Your Plan and associated Benefits will continue until Your Plan is cancelled (see paragraph 7 below) or terminated in accordance with these terms and conditions. If you have opted to pay for Your Plan by Direct Debit, monthly Direct Debit payments  will be taken from Your nominated Payment Account until Your Plan is cancelled or terminated in accordance with these terms and conditions. 

 4.3. If you pay for Your Plan as a one-off payment, Your Practice will write to you prior to the expiry of Your Plan and offer you continuation terms. If you wish to continue Your Plan you should visit Your Practice to make sure the Plan you are on remains appropriate for Your Pet and make the next one-off payment or sign up to pay by monthly instalments.   

5. Price

5.1. The Price You pay for Your Plan will vary depending whether Your Pet is a dog, cat or rabbit and which Complete Care Health Plan you have signed up to (as detailed in Your Membership Application Form). 

 5.2. The weight and species of Your Pet may impact Price. The Price you pay for Your Plan will be recorded in Your Membership Application Form by Your Practice. 

 5.3. The Price of Your Plan may vary and Your Practice reserves the right at any time to adjust the Price by notice to you in accordance with clause 14 or in accordance with clause 11, including during  the Minimum Term. 

 6. Payment

6.1. Your Plan can be paid for: 

 6.1.1 by monthly instalments; OR 

 6.1.2. by making an upfront one-off payment at Your Practice for the annual price of Your Plan (or 14 months in the case of Complete Care Junior). 

 6.2. Paragraphs 6.2.1 to 6.2.4 below apply only if You pay by instalments via monthly Direct Debit: 

 6.2.1. when setting up a Direct Debit payment plan, You will make a First Payment to Your Practice at the time of completion of Your Membership Application Form and thereafter a monthly Direct Debit payment will be taken from Your nominated Payment Account on the billing date indicated in Your Membership Application Form. 

 6.2.2. The Direct Debit payment plan will continue for the Minimum Term and thereafter until Your Plan is cancelled or terminated in accordance with these terms and conditions. 

 6.2.3. If Your Plan has a Start Date prior to 29 August 2024, during the first year of Your Plan, if the First Payment to Your Practice and monthly Direct Debit payment fall within the same month, no Direct Debit payment will be taken in month 12 of the first year of Your Plan (“Payment Holiday”). For the avoidance of doubt, in any subsequent years of Your Plan, equal Direct Debit payments will be taken each month with no Payment Holiday applied. There will be no Payment Holiday on the Complete Care Junior plan. An illustrative example of the payment mechanism in years one and two of a Plan with a Start Date prior to 29 August 2024 is set out at Schedule 1. If you have taken out your plan after 29 August, your monthly price will be displayed on the Vetsforpets health plan pages.  

 6.2.4 If you require an amendment to Your Direct Debit Collection Date at any time during Your Plan, please contact AHC either by telephone: 0800 587 1019 or by email: v4p@ahcltd.co.uk at least 10 Working Days prior to the due date for collection. You will not be charged to change Your Collection Date. 

 6.3 Where any payments (either in respect of Your Plan, an Early Cancellation Charge or for any additional charges incurred for treatments or products not covered under Your Plan) remain outstanding for more than 28 days, we reserve the right to initiate standard debt collection processes including the instruction of debt collectors. 

7. Cancellation

Cancellation by You: 

 7.1. If you cancel Your Plan / the Direct Debit payment plan before the end of the Minimum Term the Early Cancellation Charge will be due and payable immediately upon cancellation.  

7.2. After the expiry of the Minimum Term: 

 7.2.1. if you pay for Your Plan in monthly instalments, you can cancel Your Plan by giving notice in writing to Your Practice or by contacting AHC to cancel any applicable Direct Debit. If you pay by Direct Debit, Your Plan will remain active for 30 days following the date of your last Direct Debit payment in accordance with your Direct Debit payment plan prior to cancellation (the end of the monthly billing period in which you gave notice to cancel). To ensure a Direct Debit payment is cancelled in time, written notice must be received 10 Working Days before the next due Direct Debit payment. 

 7.2.2. If you have paid for Your Plan upfront, you can cancel your Plan by giving notice in writing to Your Practice. Your Practice will refund you on a pro rata basis for the remainder of Your Plan provided that no refund will be given if you cancel within the Minimum Term. For the avoidance of doubt Your Plan will immediately be cancelled on receipt of your notice. 

  7.3. Your Plan may also be cancelled in accordance with paragraph 11.3 or 14.5 below. 

Cancellation or suspension by Your Practice: 

 7.4. Your Practice reserves the right to cancel Your Plan in the following circumstances: 

 7.4.1. Non-payment  of any monthly instalments (including Direct Debits)– if any monthly instalment is not received or Direct Debit payments are returned unpaid by Your bank you will be contacted to agree an alternative Payment Method. If it is not possible to collect payment on 3 successive occasions, then Your Plan will be terminated. AHC will charge a fee of £10 for seeking to collect each and every missed Direct Debit payment. 

 7.4.2. Non-Payment (Other sums due to Your Practice)- Your Practice may suspend and /or cancel Your Plan if you owe any amounts to Your Practice for any treatments or medications which are outside of Your Plan and which are more than 7 days overdue. 

7.4.3. During any period of non-payment pursuant to paragraphs 7.4.1 and 7.4.2 above, Your Plan shall be suspended and Your Practice will not be obliged to provide any further Benefits to Your Pet. Your Plan will be reactivated once you pay the outstanding amount in full. 

 7.5. Your Practice reserves the right to cancel Your Plan by giving you one month’s written notice of cancellation at their discretion. 

 Cancellation by either Party: 

 7.6. Either Party may cancel this Agreement in the event of the liquidation, (voluntary or not) administration, appointment of administrative receiver, bankruptcy or petition for bankruptcy of the other Party or in the event of the death of Your Pet. 

 7.7. Any cancellation of this Agreement shall be without prejudice to any accrued rights and obligations of both Parties. The right to raise a dispute or claim losses survives termination providing the event complained of occurred on or before the cancellation of this Agreement. 

 7.8. In the event of the death of Your Pet You are responsible for notifying Your Practice and the provisions of paragraph 7.2 above shall apply with the following exceptions: 

 7.8.1. the Early Cancellation Charge shall not apply in the event of the death of Your Pet during the Minimum Term; and 

 7.8.2. if you have paid for Your Plan upfront you will receive a pro rata refund for all of the remaining months of Your Plan from Your Practice including (if applicable) the Minimum Term. 

 Your actions on Cancellation 

 7.9. You must collect all products prescribed under Your Plan upon cancellation of Your Plan. If you fail to collect any prescribed products in this time, you will not be entitled to collect any prescribed products afterwards. 

 7.10. In order to comply with dispensing regulations Your Pet will need to have been examined by a Vet within 12 months prior to collection of the prescribed product, if this examination falls outside of the Your Plan Benefits you will be required to book a consultation which will be charged at Your Practice’s normal rates. 

 8. Your obligations and responsibilities

8.1. You confirm you are the legal owner of the pet listed on your registration form and that you are over 18. 

 8.2. You shall ensure that all information provided by you in the Membership Application Form and to Your Practice is complete and accurate in all material respects. 

 8.3. You shall notify Your Practice if any information relevant to Your Plan requires updating including, but not limited to: 

 8.3.1. Your Personal Details (including bank details, direct debit information and home address) 

 8.3.2. If Your Pet has fallen ill or has developed any conditions which could affect the health of Your Pet; 

 8.3.3 Whether Your Pet is sensitive or allergic to any treatments included as Benefits in Your Plan; and 

 8.3.4. If Your Pet is lost or deceased. 

 In addition, if you pay for Your Plan in instalments via monthly Direct Debit you must notify AHC in respect of changes under 8.3.1 above. 

 8.4. You shall use Benefits in accordance with Your Practice’s instructions and You are responsible for arranging collection of any treatments or products included as Benefits promptly when directed by Your Practice. 

 8.5. You agree to attend a consultation with Your Pet as directed by Your Practice at any time during Your Plan, if this consultation falls outside of your Plan Benefits the cost may be additional and charged at Your Practice’s normal rates. Your Practice reserves the right to refuse to provide You with any Benefits until you have attended such consultations in accordance with Your Practice’s regulatory obligations under The Veterinary Medicines Regulations 2013 SI2033. 

 8.6. You shall not sell or make available for use any Benefits other than for Your Pet; 

 8.7. Your Plan is personal to Your Pet and to You and is non-transferable between any other pets and/or clients not listed in the Membership Application Form 

 8.8. It is Your sole responsibility to utilise the Benefits applicable to Your Plan and you shall not be entitled to any refund in respect of any unutilised Benefits or returned or uncollected medications. 

 8.9. You must let Your Practice know that you are a member of the Complete Care Health Plan when booking appointments or utilising Benefits applicable to Your Plan. 

 8.10. You must comply with any booking and/or cancellation policy implemented by Your Practice when redeeming Benefits associated with Your Plan. If you fail to attend an appointment or do not provide sufficient notice in accordance with Your Practice’s booking/cancellation policy, Your Practice reserves the right to treat any component of your Benefits that You would have received at the missed appointment as redeemed under Your Plan and to charge a fee in accordance with Your Practice’s standard rates for any re-booking of appointments and/or treatments associated with this Benefit component, 

 8.11. You shall pay for any goods or treatments not covered by Your Plan at the time of receiving such goods or treatments. 

 8.12. You shall co-operate with Your Practice and act responsibly in all matters relating to Your Plan. 

 9. Your practice’s obligations

9.1. On successful completion of the Membership Application Form and agreement to these Terms, Your Practice shall provide the services and Benefits applicable to Your Pet during the term of Your Plan. . 

 9.2. The Practice shall have no obligation to provide services or Benefits to You in those circumstances described under paragraphs 7.4.1 and 7.4.2 above. 

 9.3. Your Practice reserves the right to refuse to provide you with any Benefits where Your Practice considers it is not in Your Pet’s best interests to supply such Benefits (for example where a lot of time has elapsed since Your Pet’s previous veterinary consultation). 

 9.4. Whilst the practice will endeavour to send regular Reminders, Your Practice accepts no liability for any missed Benefits and it is Your responsibility to ensure that any Benefits under Your Plan are collected regularly and it remains Your responsibility to present Your Pet for all elements of Your Plan at the appropriate time. 

10. Transferring to a different Practice

10.1. Your Plan and the Agreement is with Your Practice. There is no automatic right to transfer Your Plan to another Practice. 

 10.2. Plans which are paid for up front cannot be transferred between Practices. 

 10.3. If you pay in instalments and you request for Your Plan to be transferred to another Vets4Pets, Vets for Pets or Companion Care branded veterinary practice then Your Practice may, at their absolute discretion, transfer, novate, assign or subcontract any of its rights under this Agreement to an alternative entity (the “Practice Transfer”) and the following will apply: 

 10.3.1. any Practice Transfer resets the Start Date of Your Plan, meaning that a new  Minimum Term will apply from the Practice Transfer date; 

 10.3.2. no new Joining Fee or Early Cancellation Charge will be applied in relation to the Practice Transfer, even if the transfer is within the Minimum Term; and 

 10.3.3. Your Practice will require payment of any amounts you owe to Your Practice for any treatments or medication which are outside of Your Plan and which are due for payment. 

11. Transition to a different Complete Care Health Plan

11.1 From time to time it may be recommended by Your Practice that Your Pet goes onto a different Complete Care Health Plan. This could be for a range of factors (including but not limited to: Your Pet’s age, weight or any long-term health conditions) or because your Pet has ‘graduated’ from their Plan (for example has been on the Complete Care Junior Plan for 14 months so should move to Complete Care). (“the Care Plan Transition”). 

 11.2. If you pay for Your Plan upfront we will not effect a Care Plan Transition during the Plan term. You will be advised of any recommended Care Plan Transition prior to the expiry of Your Pet’s Plan when Your Practice contacts you to offer you continuation terms. 

 11.3. If you pay for Your Plan in monthly instalments: 

 11.3.1. in the event of a Care Plan Transition Your Practice will write to you to inform you of the details of the new Plan including the Benefits and Price. Your Practice will write to you a minimum of 15 Working Days before any proposed change will take effect; 

 11.3.2. in the event that notice is served on You under paragraph 11.3.1 above you are entitled to cancel Your Plan within 10 Working Days of receipt of the notification and, if this is within the Minimum Term, the Early Cancellation Charge will not apply and you will be refunded for any payment which is taken provided that you have served notice within this period. 

 11.3.3. any agreed refund due to you for any reason in respect of Your Plan will be refunded into the same Payment Account that You use to make payments for Your Plan; 

 11.3.4. no refunds will be available for missed Benefits; and 

 11.3.5. any Care Plan Transition will be subject to agreeing the details of the new Plan with You. In the event of any Price variation, your monthly payments will be amended to reflect the amended Price from Your next monthly billing cycle. There will be no new Minimum Term. 

 11.4. If you want Your Pet to move to a different Complete Care Health Plan this might be possible at the discretion of Your Practice based upon what is in the best interests of Your Pet. Your Practice is under no obligation to agree to a Care Plan Transition if not deemed clinically necessary or in Your Pet’s best interests. 

11.5 No additional Joining Fee is payable by You when transitioning Your Pet to a different Complete Care Health Plan. 

12. Complaints and Disputes Resolution

12.1. If You pay in instalments via monthly Direct Debit and You have any questions or cause for complaint about your direct debit payments, please contact AHC by telephone: 0800 587 1019 or by email: v4p@ahcltd.co.uk or write to AHC at: The Animal Healthcare Company Limited, The Quorum, Bond Street, Bristol, BS1 3AE. Quoting Your Health Plan reference number. Your Practice will not be responsible for resolving any issues between you and AHC.

12.2. If you are unhappy with the Benefits or any aspect of Your Plan or Your Pet’s veterinary care, please contact Your Practice.

12.3. If the Parties cannot resolve a dispute using Your Practice’s internal complaint handling procedure, Your Practice will:

12.3.1. let you know that it cannot settle the dispute with you; and

12.3.2. provide you with information about alternative dispute resolution methods to assist with the settlement of the dispute.

13. Your Personal Information

13.1. Subject to paragraph 13.2 below, Your Practice will use Your Personal Details as set out in the Vets4Pets/ Companion Care Privacy Policy, which explains what personal information we collect from you, how and why we collect, store, use and share such information, Your rights in relation to personal information and how to contact us and supervisory authorities if you have a query or complaint about the use of personal information. You can find our Privacy Policy online at https://www.vets4pets.com/about-us/privacy-policy/ or https://www.companioncare.co.uk/about-us/privacy-policy/. 

 13.2. Your Practice will use Your Personal Details in order to send you correspondence by email and SMS relating to Your Plan including (but not limited to) advice for Your Pet, information, services, Reminders, Benefits. If data consent has been provided Your Practice may send you discretionary offers which may be of interest. In the event that you do not consent to receive communications by email then Benefits relevant to your Plan (which are only emailed) will not be available to you. 

 13.3. If You pay in instalments via monthly Direct Debit: 

 13.3.1. in the process of administering the Direct Debit payments AHC will hold and use Your Personal Details in accordance with their internal procedures and only in so far as is necessary to administer Your Plan, and to comply with legal obligations to which they are subject, to protect their interests and for fraud detection and prevention. You can view their Privacy Policy online at https://premiervetalliance.com/privacy-policy/. 

 13.3.2. AHC operates strict procedures to ensure that Your personal data is kept safe and secure; and 

 13.3.3. For the avoidance of doubt, AHC is a third-party direct debit administration provider and is not affiliated with Your Practice, Vets4Pets or Companion Care. AHC may require you to agree to separate terms and conditions in respect of services that AHC provides to you directly and Your Practice will not be responsible for resolving any issues between you and AHC. 

 13.4. Whilst administering Your Plan, Your Practice and AHC (if applicable) may receive and share personal information with: 

 13.4.1. other relevant persons involved in dealing with Your Plan and Your Practice; and/or 

 13.4.2. persons appointed by you and / or under power of attorney for a period of time, e.g. the pet’s owner when different to the Plan holder. 

 14. Variation

14.1. Your Practice may unilaterally vary these Terms at any time during the Term of Your Plan. You will be given a minimum of 30 days written notice of any such material variation. 

 14.2. Updated Terms will be available to be viewed on our website:  https://www.vets4pets.com/pet-health-plans/ or https://www.companioncare.co.uk/pet-health-plans/. 

 14.3. No one other than a party to this Agreement has any right to enforce any Term of this Agreement. 

 Variations resulting in Price Changes

14.4. Where any variation results in a price change, including (but not limited to) if cost of supplying the Plan or providing the Benefits change (for whatever reason including but not limited to changes in law, regulatory requirements, RPI rate changes) but excluding Care Plan Transitions as detailed in clause 11, Your Practice will write to you a minimum of 15 Working Days before any proposed price change will take effect. 

 14.5. In the event that notice is served on You under paragraph 14.4 above you are entitled to cancel Your Plan within 10 Working Days of receipt of the notification and if this is within the Minimum Term the Early Cancellation Charge will not apply and you will be refunded for any monthly payment which is taken provided that you have served notice within this period. 

 14.6. Any agreed refund due to you for any reason in respect of Your Plan will be refunded into the same Payment Account that You use to make payments for Your Plan. 

 14.7. No refunds will be available for missed Benefits. 

15. Liability

15.1. AHC administers Complete Care Health Plan registrations and collects Direct Debit payments on Your Practice’s behalf. AHC is excluded from any liability in respect of the provision or quality of the Benefits or veterinary services. Your Practice is excluded from liability in respect of the provision of any Direct Debit administration and processing services. 

 15.2. Your Practice is responsible for the provision of the Benefits and veterinary services (subject to the Terms of the Agreement). Your Practice’s liability under or in connection with this Agreement shall be limited to an aggregate limit equivalent to the amount paid by you under or in connection with Your Plan during the Minimum Term. 

 15.3. Your Practice shall not limit its liability under this paragraph 15 for: 

 15.3.1. fraud or theft by it or its employees; 

 15.3.2. death and/ or personal injury of Your Pet caused by its negligence or that of its employees, agents or subcontractors as applicable; or 

 15.3.3. reasons of law or regulation for which liability may not otherwise lawfully be limited or excluded. 

16. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

16.1. The courts of England and Wales will have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to this Agreement. 

 16.2. The laws of England and Wales will apply to this Agreement. 

Schedule 1- Illustrative Example of Direct Debit Payment Schedule for plans with a start date prior to 29 August 2024. If you have taken out your plan after 29 August, your monthly price will be displayed on the Vetsforpets health plan pages. 

COMPLETE CARE JUNIOR PAYMENT STRUCTURE – 14 month plan renewing into Complete Care 12 month plan 

Example 1: Complete Care Junior – Kitten 


Example 2: Complete Care Junior – Puppy 




Example 1: Complete Care large dog (> 25kg) 



Example 2: Complete Care cat 



Schedule 2 - Benefits Applicable to Complete Care Senior Plans only with a Start Date prior to 28 June 2023. These plans are no longer available for sale since 28 June 2023.  

Plan types 

Complete Care Senior 


(12-month rolling plan) 

This plan will cease to be available for new registrations on or after 28 June 2023 

Eligible species 

Dog or cat 





Core components 


Annual Booster vaccination including full clinical exam with your vet 

✓ (£20 Supplement payable if primary course required) 

Annual vet consultation 


Canine Infectious Tracheobronchitis  Vaccine (Kennel Cough) 


Feline Leukaemia vaccination 


Year round flea & worm treatment (Incl. Angiostrongylus lungworm - dogs only) 


Seasonal tick prevention 


Nurse consultation (e.g. 6 month health check) 

✓ x2 

Annual blood screening 


2 x urine screening 


10% discount on prescribed medications 


Additional treatments or savings 

Up to 6 per year for Complete Care Senior 

% off neutering 


% off dental procedure 


£ off vet consultation 




10% off in house lab work 


Blood wellness test for £30 


Nurse consult  


30% off second Seresto collar (flea and ticks) 


10% off Adaptil/Feliway